Tuesday, January 1, 2008

snow storm

here are some pictures taken of the snow storm that we had. looked to me to be about 12 inches but it was wet. i didn't even want to try and get into heidi's house this morning.


Amanda Kay said...

Looks like fun! Ours accumulates slowly, like throughout the entire day we get a foot, so you are constantly brushing off your car, but not to the point of digging for it.

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

That's looks like so much fun! When you don't have to drive in it. Or plow the road. Or scoop off the car. Or shovel the driveway. But, really, it looks like fun if you don't have to do all those things.

Anonymous said...

well you might have been able to get in if you didn't have a wussy little car. i drove through the front lawn cuz i can. but i think we got more than a foot, prolly closer to about 14 inches. but it'll be all gone next week, supposed to be up above freezing just about all week