Monday, December 31, 2007
happy new years eve
Ihopeeveryone has supper fun plans for the big night. as of right now (11:30am ) Heidi and i don't have anything going on. hopefully something will come up but its fine if it doesn't what are your supper cool plans. have fun!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
well here it is
i was playing with some mirrors to try and get a picture of my camera the bad photo is not a result of the camera quality its just that the mirrors that i was using were a bit dirty
this is Heidi's attempts to take a good picture of us using the new camera. seems like Sharyn is the only one that can do that, not Heidi's fault but i don't know how to smile right.
here is a few of us kids playing games as Brad and Riss's
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
gretch wins
well the first picture is of brad, now I’m not sure on exactly what he was thinking but he went down a little drop off, I think. well the drop off lead right to a small tree.
the second one is a picture of Chad who tried to go up a steep hill that a couple of us went down. but don’t worry this was not the first time on that trip that someone got there sled stuck. believe it or not this was one of the easy ones to get un stuck the ones that the sled is facing up hill are much harder to get out. I would say it would take like three of us ten to fifteen minuets to get one out.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
In need of a new camera
i would be posting more but my camera don't work so, i have to wait till Santa brings me a new one. i had lots of fun in the U.P. and i shot a deer on saturday it was a small 4pt. cant wait i get a four day weekend.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
yeah yeah we are going to the up after i get out of school. im pumped i havent been up there in a long time well Eric Heinonen's wedding was the last time. the main reason im going up is to see my cuz Ryan and have fun. so see ya
Friday, October 26, 2007
who cares about my football hey?
but anyway i care its like the second thing that i look froward to seeing on the weekends, and of course Heidi is the person i look forward seeing the most. she pry loves that i love football also. I'm hoping that there are a few guys that stumble on to my blog with this next question.
what do you think about the NFL playing a game in London this weekend. personally i don't like it, its a U.S. sport. besides the Europe league has folded correct me if I'm wrong so why try to sell more American football over there.
what do you think about the NFL playing a game in London this weekend. personally i don't like it, its a U.S. sport. besides the Europe league has folded correct me if I'm wrong so why try to sell more American football over there.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
yeah yeah Michigan won tonight against Illinois is was a good game. Fred(Heidi's dad) and i watched it on his lap top. it was the first Michigan football game that i have seen this year. i remember a time when me and my cousin Ryan never missed a Michigan or a lions game, so it was cool to get a chance to watch one in its entirety
Friday, October 19, 2007
highlights of the week
in my never ending life of fun, this week i had a day off school. so my mom invited me to dinner, she made a delicious meal of ham ,scalloped potatoes and green bean casserole. my grandma also was there for dinner and she brought over two pies banana cream, and apple pie. it was all so good and tomorrow i think Trevor and i are going to go golfing.
Monday, October 15, 2007
got it back
well sorry that I haven’t been bloging but the internet has been off at our house. our promotion was over and someone else had to set up a new account. As I’m sure that every one knows Paul and Amanda are now engaged. they were down here this weekend, while the girls were out dress shopping the guys went golfing. so Paul, Brett, brad, and myself went to the Jackal (mt Brighton). We had a lot of fun, and I realized that I’m going to have really cool brother in laws.
On another note while at school this evening our class was watching a video on Howard Hughes and Pan Am airlines. Someone brought in pop corn, they got it from the vending machine. I decided that this was a good idea and went out of class to get my own bag. A bag of pop corn costs a dollar , and after putting in a dollar bill I got a dollar coin for change so I was a winner for the night. By the way I really like the idea of dollar coins I think that they should replace the dollar bill completely.
On another note while at school this evening our class was watching a video on Howard Hughes and Pan Am airlines. Someone brought in pop corn, they got it from the vending machine. I decided that this was a good idea and went out of class to get my own bag. A bag of pop corn costs a dollar , and after putting in a dollar bill I got a dollar coin for change so I was a winner for the night. By the way I really like the idea of dollar coins I think that they should replace the dollar bill completely.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
once upon a weekend
well getting on here to post is becoming hard for me, I don’t really have much new going on these days. I know that I’m getting married but I’m only the groom and we don’t do much except go to the wedding on the big day.
I did plan the honeymoon, were going to go on a cruise in the eastern Caribbean for 7 nights. there are going to be three stops st Martian, st Thomas and princess cay
I did plan the honeymoon, were going to go on a cruise in the eastern Caribbean for 7 nights. there are going to be three stops st Martian, st Thomas and princess cay
Sunday, September 16, 2007
we're getting married
Wow yeah, my beautiful fiancĂ©e said about everything. except we got engaged in Holland Michigan on the pier, after a long day of playing on the sand dunes and flying kites. what’s pretty funny is that we were playing catch and I hit her in the head with a baseball, this was before I popped the question.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I’m loving it this weather is something that I just cant get over. with the weather being so nice I get to go back to work at the DPW, instead of where I’m currently working the waste water plant. in the fall the city of Howell picks up leaves with a big vacuums and that’s where I come in. There are three different trucks and they would like to have a least three guys in a crew so I get to go and help. I get to find out when I’m going down there tomorrow
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
the weather
the weather today was pry my favorite weather day of the year. I woke up this morning cold and i new that it was going to be a good day. At work I have to wear paint and steel toe boots, so with the temperature being so cool I didn't have to sweat all day. any way sorry mark that this wasn't longer but I have to go to school
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday, August 5, 2007
well its been too long since I have posted something on here but well here we go.
you may have heard of John in my class. I recently found out that he was engaged to obviously his girlfriend, but he was wearing a ring on his left hand ring finger. so I asked john if he was married and he said no and was wondering why I asked. I told him that I was under the impression that if you had a ring on that finger then you were married. he said no that it was a promise/ engagement ring. OK well thinking to my self what a weirdo, then proceeded to ask when the wedding was and he said that they haven’t talked about it yet.
I don’t know where some people come from. maybe different planets
you may have heard of John in my class. I recently found out that he was engaged to obviously his girlfriend, but he was wearing a ring on his left hand ring finger. so I asked john if he was married and he said no and was wondering why I asked. I told him that I was under the impression that if you had a ring on that finger then you were married. he said no that it was a promise/ engagement ring. OK well thinking to my self what a weirdo, then proceeded to ask when the wedding was and he said that they haven’t talked about it yet.
I don’t know where some people come from. maybe different planets
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
eye opening
first things first happy 4th everyone, hope you all had fun and safe holiday. I did Heidi and I were at the Heinonen's hanging out and having a delicious rib dinner, boy were they good. It was funny looking around the table comparing every one's faces to see who's were the messiest. Anyway Heidi and I were sitting on the swing on the back porch and talking about confo, because the twins are getting confirmed Sunday. Heidi brought an interesting observation to my attention, that we started dating when she was as old as Gretchen. My jaw dropped I guess that just goes to show when your young how much older you feel. I always think to my self that, "no we wernt to young" but now looking at Gretch we were a little young to be dating, but in the end I wouldn't change anything because Heidi is my best friend, and feel lucky that I didn't have to go through a lot of heart breaks to find my best friend

Heidi making play dough

found a snake wrestler

good good ribs
Heidi making play dough
found a snake wrestler
good good ribs
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
This weekend has been lots of fun so fun that I'm posting way to late on a Sunday night so I'm going to try and keep it short. well that test went OK for me on Thursday not as well as I would like to get but still in the 90's. Friday when i got home Wade was of course waking up from a nap so he could drive up north. they all left at 12am for the first time. they had some car problems came back at like 2am, I was freakin out because well I thought someone was breaking in. they thought that it was fixed so they left and when I woke up at 9 because the front door opened they were back because the battery that was replaced was not the problem it was a alternator. So they left about 11 I think on saturday morning, I tell you what it wouldn't be fun to be in that ride but the memories would be priceless.
Saturday Heidi and I went to a few Grad parties that were fun, mainly since they had free food. later that night we went to the balloon fest and watched the balloons launch and then the balloon glow.
Sunday we spent the later part of the afternoon on my Mom and Dads bout. We all went around the chain of lakes in pinckney then had a grill out by the bout launch. The funny thing is that the bout launch was more entertaining then the bout ride because of the people watching at the launch. Any way good night.
Saturday Heidi and I went to a few Grad parties that were fun, mainly since they had free food. later that night we went to the balloon fest and watched the balloons launch and then the balloon glow.
Sunday we spent the later part of the afternoon on my Mom and Dads bout. We all went around the chain of lakes in pinckney then had a grill out by the bout launch. The funny thing is that the bout launch was more entertaining then the bout ride because of the people watching at the launch. Any way good night.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I would like to post something new fun and exciting but well its not in the cards this week. In school we are in the most boring subject since I have started, its about fasteners. You know like nuts and bolts and stuff its all starting to blend in. I had a free lunch today because Air Wisconsin came in to talk about some potential openings they have in Philadelphia. It was cool listening to the lady talk, she said that her husband work there as a mechanic and they were able to take 32 trips last year, and hes only worked there for like two years. That really made me excited, and makes me study harder. Test tomorrow wish me luck.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Another weekend
Well another weekend has come and gone. I guess that its a good thing, the faster time goes the faster graduation comes for school. speaking of time flying by it seemed like a joke when Amanda said that she might be moving up north and now its a reality (were going to miss you Amanda). Although the weekend went by fast it was packed full of things for us, but that's probably the reason it by so fast;). Saturday We were at my Mom and Dads for my brother Davids Graduation party. My Mother prepared a wonderful taco bar spread that I had way to much of. by the way it was 94deg outside, good thing the pool was open. After the party we went over to Heidi's mom and dads for a cook out that we really didn't participate in because we ate so much at the grad party, It was still fun. Sunday we went back to the Heidi's house to hang and swim and say our goodbyes to Amanda. then to Sharyn's wonderful photo session thanks again it was lots and lots of fun.
Friday, June 15, 2007
A Night at School
class was quit interesting tonight, there is this kid named John he is one of those city type kids. For example he was telling us that his girlfriend has a snake and well she feeds it live mice, To me that's really cool except snakes wouldn't make a real good pet in my opinion. Anyway John was telling us that she was feeding her snake a mouse and he could not watch because it was breaking his heart. He said that he started to cry and wanted to save the mouse. that is just pathetic to me, when he said that I was in shock I didn't know what to say.
I told you that to tell you tell you this in class John had a small sliver in his thumb. For some reason he could not get it out of his thumb by himself. So John asked Andrew (another guy in my class) to squeeze around the sliver to push it out so John could cut open his skin with a razor blade. So Andrew went to the tool crib got some rubber gloves and did what John asked of him. This is a good idea but John was thinking that just lightly scratching the surface was going to make his skin ripe open, well it didn't. In the mean time Trevor, Nicole, and my self were watching in disbelief we could not believe what a baby he was being. Finally Nicole had enough so she told John to give her the razor and he did. She was going in to cut open a very little spot of his thumb so he could get some tweezers in there. As she was going in to cut it he was whimpering "don't hurt me, don't hurt me, don't hurt me". The really funny thing is that she looked at him real serious like and said "JOHN SHUT UP" then she cut it. He was like ouch that hurt, then I hurried grabbed the tweezers while Andrew was still holding his hand and pulled out this small metal shaving. he was so happy and thought that we were such good friends that he went to the tool crib told everyone standing around there what we did, and got a bag and put the sliver in it so he could remember what pals we were.
Needles to say at 21 years old this kid needed a crew of student aircraft mechanics to get a sliver out of his own thumb. that's just a night in the world of MIAT fun hey.
I told you that to tell you tell you this in class John had a small sliver in his thumb. For some reason he could not get it out of his thumb by himself. So John asked Andrew (another guy in my class) to squeeze around the sliver to push it out so John could cut open his skin with a razor blade. So Andrew went to the tool crib got some rubber gloves and did what John asked of him. This is a good idea but John was thinking that just lightly scratching the surface was going to make his skin ripe open, well it didn't. In the mean time Trevor, Nicole, and my self were watching in disbelief we could not believe what a baby he was being. Finally Nicole had enough so she told John to give her the razor and he did. She was going in to cut open a very little spot of his thumb so he could get some tweezers in there. As she was going in to cut it he was whimpering "don't hurt me, don't hurt me, don't hurt me". The really funny thing is that she looked at him real serious like and said "JOHN SHUT UP" then she cut it. He was like ouch that hurt, then I hurried grabbed the tweezers while Andrew was still holding his hand and pulled out this small metal shaving. he was so happy and thought that we were such good friends that he went to the tool crib told everyone standing around there what we did, and got a bag and put the sliver in it so he could remember what pals we were.
Needles to say at 21 years old this kid needed a crew of student aircraft mechanics to get a sliver out of his own thumb. that's just a night in the world of MIAT fun hey.
Its the weekend its the weekend its the weekend. this is my favorite day of the week because I don't have to wear pants any more, shorts all weekend. well off to school if anyone cares I scored a 96% on that one test that I was talking about.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
three years today
Today I have been with Heidi for Three years. No we really didn't do anything special for it, unless you call her coming over after I got home from school special because I sure do. usually when i come home she is long been sleeping so I don't even get to talk to her. That's it from here wait yeah i have a test for school tomorrow so wish me luck.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
signs of burning out
This going to work 30hrs a week and then to school for almost 40hrs is starting to really get to me. Its making me crabby and really tired, like right now I'm sitting at home blogging when I should be sleeping but coming home straight from school and going to bed is out of the question. Yeah about my job if i didn't have to make rent I wouldn't be working such a hard schedule, its all part of becoming an adult I guess.
Monday, June 11, 2007
online diary
well since no one looks at my blog or I don't know how to let people know about it this will be my online diary. Lets see today I was late for work again I hate being late but I'm always sleeping through my alarms. The real crazy thing is that I had five of them set and still I could not get my big butt out of bed, pry didn't help that it was Monday morning.
After that moment of crabbiness I had a good day at work because there was lots to do. Its nice having one of those days on a Monday. while at work i called Josh he is a guy in my class that was giving me and Trevor a ride but I stoped that today. He was being a pain, we were paying him ten dollars a week to drive us to school from Brighton to the Willow run airport. the one problem was that he was charging us 10 dollars for four day or three days, and I was driving on those days because Trevor's car is still broken. Now Trevor and I ride in together for only a doller more a day.
After that moment of crabbiness I had a good day at work because there was lots to do. Its nice having one of those days on a Monday. while at work i called Josh he is a guy in my class that was giving me and Trevor a ride but I stoped that today. He was being a pain, we were paying him ten dollars a week to drive us to school from Brighton to the Willow run airport. the one problem was that he was charging us 10 dollars for four day or three days, and I was driving on those days because Trevor's car is still broken. Now Trevor and I ride in together for only a doller more a day.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Do I have a beef
As some of you may know I'm living in a house with Wade and Ed. Its a lot of fun except one little detail, out neighbor dogs. They have four little hot-dog things and one big lab. whats the most annoying is that they bark at anything, and i mean anything i have watched them out my window they can be sitting there doing nothing and all of a sudden they jump up and start barking at the wind or something. Anyway to my point would it be a good idea to make an anonymous call to animal control and see what they can do or just deal with it.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
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